When life goes out of control,
Draw Back Your Lips
Whistle and exclaim
Aal Izz Well !!!
What does a hen know of the future of an egg?
Will it get a life, or will it be fried on a pan?
No one knows what our future would be
Draw Back Your Lips
Whistle and exclaim,
Brother, Aal Izz Well !!!
O Buddy, Aal Izz Well !!!
Hey Uncle, Aal Izz Well !!!
Ho Bro, Aal Izz Well !!!
Confusion is everywhere and we don't know the solution
When we know the soultion, we don't get the question.
Console (Keep a hand on) your heart when it gets tense at every matter
The heart is an idiot, gotta persuade it with love and kindness.
Draw Back Your Lips
Whistle and exclaim,
Brother, Aal Izz Well !!!
O Buddy, Aal Izz Well !!!
Hey Uncle, Aal Izz Well !!!
Ho Bro, Aal Izz Well !!!
Grief does not vanished from the liquor of scholarship,
God could not be seen even when all the candles are lighted.
A Goat does not know what would happen to it.
In which dish would it be in?
No one knows what our future would be.
Draw Back Your Lips
Whistle and exclaim,
Brother, Aal Izz Well !!!
O Buddy, Aal Izz Well !!!
Hey Uncle, Aal Izz Well !!!
Ho Bro, Aal Izz Well !!!
捲起你雙唇, 哨聲吹走煩惱
高呼 "好事來" !!!
小雞不知道蛋的將來, 會是破殼得生命, 還是在煎鍋上當奄列?
捲起你雙唇, 哨聲吹走煩惱
好兄弟, 高呼 "好事來" !!!
老友記, 高呼 "好事來" !!!
生活到處有問題, 沒能找到答案
到有了答案的時候, 卻已失去問題的源頭
內心是個傻瓜, 只要用愛去哄騙它
捲起你雙唇, 哨聲吹走煩惱
好兄弟, 高呼 "好事來" !!!
老友記, 高呼 "好事來" !!!
用盡賺來的金錢買醉, 卻帶不走悲傷
點盡手上的燭光求神, 卻見不到上帝
羔羊沒能預料自己的命運, 牠會送在哪一碟菜式上?
所以, 一起捲起雙唇, 哨聲吹走煩惱
好兄弟, 高呼 "好事來" !!!
老友記, 高呼 "好事來" !!!
無論生活遇到多大困難, 都要對自己的心說一句, "All is well!"
事件不一定可解決, 但你總會有勇氣去面對
不要未嘗試便放棄, 不要未努力便恐懼
沒有人知道明天的世界, 只有對自己說 "All is well!", 好事便會來~